My Blog List

Sunday, June 17, 2007

My First Blog

After reading a few tech magazines and some stuff on the internet, I thought, Oh Well, I might as well start with this Blogging thing.
I actually opened an account for blogging more than two years ago, sometime on a boring, nothing to do but waste time November 2004. I never really wrote anything on it and assumed that my account had been deleted because I haven't opened it ever since that night.
I always thought that blogging is like writing a diary much like Doogie Howser. Everybody can read it out loud. I'm a very private person and I do not want people to know what the hell I am thinking. Much like my Friendster account with very minimal(only one as of the moment) picture of me uploaded. However, lately, I always have a lot of things going on in my mind that sometimes my insomnia gets triggered by it. So, I thought, what if I write some of it down and see what happens. Well, this is the beginning of my blogging days. I just hope that it will not be like the stationary bike that I bought which I used for only a week and is now begging to be used once more.

Ewan lang. Ü

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